Cyclamen coum

Cyclamen coum Mill. (E Medit.) – A very rare escape from or relic of cultivation, or merely an established garden throw-out. A large population with more than a hundred individuals was discovered in a wood margin in Xhignez (Sprimont) in 2010. Also known since 2011 from a wood margin in Havré near Mons (Bois d’Havré; comm. P. Dupriez). Since then observed in a few additional localities (e.g. Harelbeke, Verviers, etc.) but most claims require confirmation.

Cyclamen coum is always found in or on the verge of deciduous woodland and seems to persist well. However, except perhaps in Xhignez, genuinely naturalized populations have not been observed yet and the species is sometimes reluctant to flower.

The infraspecific variability of the Belgian populations of Cyclamen coum needs to be investigated. Two subspecies are currently recognized: subsp. caucasicum (K. Koch) O. Schwarz and subsp. coum (Grey-Wilson 2015).

Selected literature:

Anonymous (1984) Mystery in perpetuo. Quart. Bull. Alp. Gard. Soc. 52(2): 119-120.

Brickell C.D. (1979) Notes on the taxonomy of Cyclamen cilicium, C. coum and their close relatives. Cyclamen Soc. J. 3(2): 49-54.

Frank E. (1991) Expeditions of the Cyclamen Society: field studies in Turkey and Israel brought to light some surprising facts about Cyclamen coum. Garden (London) 116(10): 554-558.

Grey-Wilson C. (2015) Cyclamen: A Guide for Gardeners, Horticulturists and Botanists. Batsford, London: 196 p. [available on line, pro parte:]

Mathew B. (1975) Plant awards 1974-75: Cyclamen coum Miller F.C.C. Quart. Bull. Alp. Gard. Soc. 43(4): 307.

Meikle D. (1989) Variation in natural populations of Cyclamen coum sensu lato. Cyclamen Soc. J. 13(2): 63-64.

Peri O. (2001) A unique colony of Cyclamen coum in Israel. Cyclamen 25(2): 43-44.

Simpson G. (1980) An amateur's experience of Cyclamen coum, its forms and their allies. Cyclamen Soc. J. 4(1): 22-25.

Wood J. (1991) The Society's expeditions, 1987-1990. Cyclamen Soc. J. 15(1): 12-24.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith